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Heroes Abound at Larksfield Place

As I look back at the people who have been honored as a Health Care Hero and look at those about to be recognized, I am profoundly reminded of what this recognition is all about: dedication, service and quality.  As CEO of Larksfield, I am fortunate to work with two past award recipients and one soon-to-be honored – Liz Enoch, Rachel Pankratz and Amy Hall.  These individuals are truly exceptional (yes, I am biased) and inspirational to those of us honored by association.

Because I know them directly, I identify them as representative of the larger group (those to be recognized this year and those recognized in prior years).  The Heroes exhibit the qualities of dedication, service and quality in their work.  This year for us, it is Amy Hall.  Before Amy, came Rachel and Liz.  As with Rachel and Liz, Amy embodies this enormous energy, enthusiasm and expectation of self and others, to excel.  Her work is about a passion to enrich the quality of life for our residents.  Like Liz and Rachel, there exists no bragging, no zeal for identification and no expectation that what she does, and has done, is even worthy of acknowledgement.  This quality is, for each of them, their identification of dedication and service. 

The Heroes today and those who I know, do what they do because they have a calling.  They are actors and their grand stage is the world around them.  Their role is to facilitate a better place, a better life and greater humanity for each person they touch.  Where Rachel’s calling is to heal, Amy’s is to prevent.  Amy’s work goal is to keep folks healthy, active and functional.  In equal measure, their work is complementary.  In all honest reflection, what each does is inspiring and life-altering.

Most CEOs I know will never have the good fortune that I have to work with three identified Heroes.  In this regard, I am truly blessed.  I also am the recipient of the lessons they teach daily; first, a never-ending, immeasurable quest (dedication) to make the lives they touch meaningful and measurably better; second, an others-first, self-second orientation.  They work for the benefit of the seniors and residents who Larksfield serves.  Finally, quality is all that matters and the yardstick they use for measurement.  Nothing is less than first-class and every effort is put forward to creating a “better” paradigm, every day. 

It wouldn’t be shameful to brag about my Heroes because in so doing, I am truly reflecting on every recognized Hero now and before.  My Heroes are identical in quality to the others and, in that regard, Wichita is the winner and the patients and families who are served by this new group of Heroes, some of the most blessed and fortunate folks around.  When anyone tries to tell me there are no real Super Heroes in life, I beg to differ…and I can prove it.  I know three personally and Wichita, knows many more.