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When Your Health Care Matters. Better is Always Better.

In our publications and advertising, you will frequently see the phrase “Better is Better”.  It’s actually a twist on a quote from St. Jerome; “Til your good is better and your better is best”. The meaning?  For Larskfield it is a reminder to pursue improvement and to drive at being “better” every day.  It is also a reminder that things tangible matter more than words.  This latter element is where you will see us describe what we do and how we measure it to achieve “better”.

Health care people talk a great deal about quality.  The word is almost a “buzz word” or an advertising catch phrase.  Advertisements are full of the word – quality staff, quality care, high quality facilities, quality reputation, etc.  To the point: by saying quality, is it really better or perhaps, isn’t the truth that “Better is Better”? I think the latter is what matters most and for patients and their families, better is what truly matters.  When it is your care or the care of those most precious to you, you don’t want slogans or catchy phrases you want better and you want to know what it is and where it is available.

Finding better in health care is easier today than ever before.  Transparency has set in and consumers can access a wealth of data.  Better is rated.  The federal government provides wonderful report cards on the internet free and easily accessed.  Consumers can compare various organizations on a whole range of measurable data points such as quality measures, staffing levels, inspection results, etc. Better are those organizations that rate 5 stars – simple.  Better is also recognition – awards for the organization and staff from recognized, national and local organizations.  Better are the organizations with these awards – a recognition of externally validated excellence.  Better is advanced training and specialty certifications.  Organizations that commit to quality train, excel and maintain high levels of advanced excellence and certifications.  Better are the organizations that have multiple certifications and certified experts on staff. 

When all is said in and around, about one organization or the other, the one constant that matters is your care or the care of those closest to you.  You have a choice and the ability to find the “better” by simply looking and asking. Once you check, it’s easy to understand: More Awards, More Certifications, More Stars equals better.  It always has.

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